Site updates

Site updates

    Updating to latest React... by @Jose 1 year, 1 month ago

    Working on updating all dependencies to latest, including React and React-dom to version 18. There are major changes, and I'm getting there, but the site will be under construction for a few days while I finish the migration.

    Migration complete! by @Jose 1 year, 1 month ago

    The website has been under construction lately. Had to switch cloud providers. My last provider had some major issues, and decided to suspend free tier database services. Long story short, the site us up and running again on a new host. I'm still working on recovering all content, but it looks like I'm having to build all the content back up again from zero. Thanks for the patience and more updates soon! Sincerely, Jose L

    Busy year, thanks 2023! by @Jose 5 months, 1 week ago

    Year full of challenges, was a good year for this website. Migrated to latest tech stacks and added some cool monitoring features. Although not a lot of time to dedicate to my website this year, I'm happy that some progress was made. Looking forwards to 2024, and launching that merch store!
