

    Thoughts on algorithmic music by @Jose 1 year, 9 months ago

    The concept of making music by following a formula is not new. Conceptually, one can create a simple computer program (or mathematical function) that accepts some constants as input, and produces a sequence of sounds that could be enjoyed by the human ear. Procedural music or algorithmic music is created by using math, logic, pesudo-randomness and other interesting tricks to generate beautiful compositions. I've always been interested in music, computers and math, and it's about time I start exploring the possibilities. With the recent introduction of AI, the possibilities for algorithmic music have taken a leap forwards. Will AI help us make better music, or just more of the same?

    Visualize data tutorial by @Jose 9 months ago

    Coming soon! Working on a tutorial for visualizing data with Django and React. Visualizing data is all about asking the question: "What does it mean?" This visualizer will show the different technologies I have worked with, as well as some measurements on number of entries and related information. Brushing up on that ol' 2d and 3d math do some cool flocking effects of data points. So far, the tutorial's tech stack looks like this: - Django as data source - Web broswer as client - JS and React as web app sdk - threejs as 3D render engine
